AGRO-POLI Sp. z o.o. is one of the largest and most modern companies
in Poland, in the field of polypropylene yarn production and bags, string, tarpaulins and PP tape distribution.
The company commenced operations on July 1, 1996 with production of polypropylene sacks of various sizes, types and colors. In 2001, AGRO-POLI initiated the production of high-strength polypropylene yarn, and in 2004 steps were taken to increase production – new assortments were introduced in the form of medium strength yarn with richer colors, thin yarns from 300 den for the textile market and twisted yarn.
AGRO-POLI focuses on the development, constantly expanding and improving range of products, improving the machine park and increasing employment, which allows us to meet the high quality requirements set by customers and timely delivery of products.
Reliable and detailed quality control, excellent contact with contractors and meeting their needs ensures the Company’s ever growing number of recipients from most of the European markets.